“You glow differently when you are happy.”

 We all strive to be happy and wish happiness for others, but true happiness is hard to define.  For me there is a difference between being happy in the moment and truly being happy. 

Thinking of true happiness as a glow, for me, is a good way to picture what being happy at the core means.  People often say that pregnant women and people who are in love, glow, and those are certainly states that reflect inner happiness.

Moments of happiness come through doing things we enjoy, but deep happiness is more than that.  Some people maintain that there is no true happiness, but only moments of happiness pieced together.  I am a believer that inner happiness is obtainable.  Doing things we enjoy helps create inner happiness, but there is something special – something more – about being happy at our core.

We can control our attitude, and Abraham Lincoln even said, “Most folks are as happy as they make ups their minds to be.”

So how do we get at true happiness?  Piecing together moments of happiness?  Doing more of what we enjoy?  Following Bobby McFarrin’s advice?  Making up our mind to choose to be happy?  I would say all of the above and sometimes none of the above.  We are responsible for our own happiness, and when we celebrate moments of happiness, we are that much closer to experiencing the kind of deep happiness that will make us glow differently!


                                            Have a great week!



A History of Mary’s Minute


“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”